Coach.ED can help you unlock your full potential

We have been coaching individuals, teams, small group members, Executive Headteachers, CEOs, Business Leaders at all levels in school environments for the past 15 years

There is a need for educators at all levels to be able to access quality professional development and personal coaching either as an individual or as part of a team.

Experience shows really positive outcomes for individuals and teams as a result of self improvement and in turn, improvement in the outcomes of the children and people they reach.

Why not embark on a journey with Coach.ED? 

Together we can

  • Offer support for your professional development

  • Help you believe the answers lie within yourself

  • Aid your self belief and empowerment

  • Support your individual coaching needs

  • We can develop cohesion across your team

  • Improve your teams efficiency

  • Transform impact and outcomes

If you or your team would benefit then click below :

  • GO, Head Teacher ,Cornwall

    “Your knowledge and experience during our calls have helped me make pivotal decisions which have led to school improvement and without the opportunity to talk it through with you, I am not convinced I would have always followed these decisions through! Our conversations around managing difficult situations, the support around tackling under performance and the challenge you provided through coaching helped me move forward, your time really was invaluable.”

  • LW, Deputy Head, London

    “Thank you so much for your expertise and guidance over the past 18 months. I really feel that I have developed as a leader- although I am still learning!”

  • ED, Head Teacher, Manchester

    “Supervision with Kim offers real insight and inspires confidence, as well as supportive challenge. Her honesty, authenticity and integrity inspire relationships of trust and clarity of approach. Her wisdom and practical solution- focused approaches have enabled me to reflect on my career and with her support and advice I have been able to progress successfully in my career.”

  • ZK, Head Teacher, Essex

    “Kim has worked with the school to build capacity at all levels of school management. Kim's expertise in rapid school improvement, in a holistic way, has supported us as a school to get to where we need to be.

    Kim's coaching, knowledge, and ability to listen has helped us reflect on our leadership qualities to best meet the needs of our community.”

  • AMS, Exec. Head, London

    “I first met Kim in 2022, soon after taking on my current position as Executive Head Teacher. My situation was extremely challenging, and as a result, my leadership team worked closely with her to implement robust school improvement initiatives.

    In addition, Kim served as a mentor and coach to my leaders and the support we received was excellent. Her advice was beneficial and solution-focused, and the sessions she delivered to the team provided much-needed 'headspace' to consider strategies for addressing issues. Kim's vast knowledge and experience has given her a thorough understanding of how schools operate and the expectations placed on leaders therefore, her contributions to the Federation were invaluable.”

  • DE, Exec. HT, Southampton

    “Thank you so so much for all of your support and professionalism on our journey. It’s been a pleasure to work with you.”

Let Coach.ED help you unlock your full potential

  • Individuals

    Coach.ED offer a number of tailored services for individuals looking to better themselves and their career through 1-2-1 coaching

  • Organisations

    From 1-2-1 coaching programs with business leaders to group sessions for entire teams, Coach.ED can help you improve your L&D offer

Unlock your potential today!

Welcome future leaders! Join us on a journey of growth and success like never before.